Devin Nunes plans to sue Twitter - WaveTechs
Devin Nunes plans to sue Twitter

Devin Nunes plans to sue Twitter

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Devin Nunes ( California Representative ) plans to file a $250 million lawsuit against Twitter. It alleges that the company engages in “explicit censorship” and has allowed critics to defame him on the platform.

He first threatened legal action against Twitter last year after claiming that the company was “shadow banning” conservatives, effectively burying their accounts.

Twitter then clarified that the network does not bury any user content based on ideology; and that though they've worked on their algorithm issue, it has failed to populate autosuggestions for some Twitter users, including both Democratic and Republican lawmakers.

According to a complaint reported by Fox News, Nunes might be following through on last year’s threat. According to the complaint, “Nunes has no adequate remedy at law,” the complaint, filed today, claims. “Without Court intervention and an injunction, Nunes will suffer actual and irreparable injury to his property interests and personal rights by the mere fact that Defendants’ defamatory tweets can be retweeted and republished forever by third-parties.”

The suit seems to not be Twitter itself and a Nunes critic named Liz Mair only, but also @DevinCow and @DevinNunesMom, two accounts parodying the lawmaker’s cow and his mother, respectively.

The suit also accuses “Devin Nunes’ Cow” of spreading false claims to its Twitter followers; those claims include stating that “He’s udder-ly worthless and its [sic] pasture time to move him to prison” and “Devin is whey over his head in crime.”

Nunes would need to prove that the accounts in question acted with “actual malice,” - a higher legal standard reserved for proving defamation against a public figure — and one intended to safeguard free speech.

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